

Tinubu's government lacks what it takes to change Nigeria’s economic problems of the country – Suswam

Former Governor of Benue State and Senator who represented Benue North-East Senatorial District in the 9th National Assembly, Gabriel Suswam, has said that President Bola Tinubu's government lacks what it takes to change the country's economic fortunes.  Appearing in an interview with Channels Television, Suswam said Tinubu's administration is taking Nigerians down. He said;  "Well, its rather unfortunate right from the Buhari Government where the mantra of Change was the singsong. Unfortunately, people didnt ask what kind of change he was bringing into governance. Is it positive change or negative change? What we experienced under those eight years were what dovetailed into what were experiencing today because whatever foundation that was built by the PDP was completely destroyed by that (Buhari) government. We now began a journey to the abyss. The state of the nation, economically, is nothing to talk about, its unfortunate that the current (Tinubu) leadership does not have what it takes to change the economic fortunes of this country. All the economic policies that theyve engaged in or they have taken clearly indicate that they cant solve the economic problems of this country. I give you some example, you remove subsidy from day one, you now float your currency, increase interest rate. Now the tariff for electricity has been increased. How does an average man survive under those kinds of heavy bad economic policies? First, subsidy itself is a problem, it affects the cost of transportation, cost of production, because youre dealing with energy, now that has been removed. So, the person who is selling foodstuff who now was transporting maybe from inside Abuja at the cost of N5,000 now has to transport that at the cost of N15,000. Where do you think the cost will end? To the consumer. So, inflation in this country is at 31 per cent. It is unheard of!Now, look at floating of the currency. Theres no developing economy that has floated their currency that have gotten out of it, none. Is it the Latin Americans? They have not. In the 80s and early 90s, most of the problems of Latin American countries was the fact that they took very bad economic policies such as this current government is taking floating of the currency, removal of subsidies here and there." When asked if it is PDP's alleged misgovernance that brought in the successive APC governments, he said;  "No, that argument is baseless. It is baseless in the sense that when President Goodluck left, what was the exchange rate of the naira? What was the pump price of petrol and diesel? What was the electricity tariff? What was the interest rate? So, the argument is baseless; it is people who lack the capacity that give excuses. If you give me an assignment and I have no capacity I will begin to give excuses. That is what is happening, its lack of capacity because most of the people put in places as ministers are people who lack capacity to hold those offices. One would have believed that the President, with the kind of people he selected in Lagos, do the same in terms of getting people who understand what they are doing. Unfortunately, maybe its a larger environment and so its different. When you have lieutenants who themselves have no value to add, then theres a problem with that. They have no value and so that is why most of these policies are being taken. Ive looked at the budget, for instance. You have a budget that you know is basically not implementable ab initio, so how are we going to move forward because you have a deficit of close to 9 trillion naira right now? You have financing items for that deficit which themselves will not be realisable. So, you can add that to the deficit because when you say that you will sell government assets to finance the budget. Since 2019 when I was in the Senate, that has been a reoccurring decimal, year in, year out, they sell government assets to finance the deficit. You cant realise anything that way.No, when you have a deficit of over 9 trillion naira then your financing items of that budget is that you are going to borrow money, both internally and externally. Borrowing money internally means that they will continue to print money such as the Buhari government was doing. No matter what you try, (the value of your currency) will continue to depreciate once you are printing money. Not only that, youve gone ahead to increase tariff on electricity. What are the manufacturers going to do?  Yes, they can pay that tariff but transfer it directly to the consumers. What is the earning capacity of an average Nigerian? So, you have electricity cost alone about 10 times more than the minimum wage of an average worker in this country. How is the country going to operate? These are some of the issues that we have that worries the PDP and we believe that what weve done in the last 16 years where at least we have a middle class in this country has been wiped over completely. Now, we want to come back as a government under PDP that we can bring back those good old days and we can do it. PDP has the resources to do that." The post Tinubu's government lacks what it takes to change Nigerias economic problems of the country Suswam appeared first on Linda Ikeji Blog.

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