

How to start a business with little or no capital and make your first 1million in 3months

You're welcome to this very timely article. In this article, you will be exposed to a top secret business model that can help anyone turn as little as 35k - 45k into a million naira in 90 days or less.

Now, what do I want to show you?

A money doubling scheme? NO

An investment opportunity? NO

I want to reveal a Real Business model to you.

A business model that works all the time, irrespective of who you are, or what you know currently.

If you pay attention, you can begin this business and hit your first million, 10million or 100Million sooner than you have ever expected.

But before we dive into this premium info, I would like to let you know that... 

This article is long... 

So you need to consider if spending the next 3 minutes of your time on this information is worth it or not.

I am aware many people don't like reading. But sadly that's the same reason why MANY PEOPLE are broke and unsuccessful in life.

The few who read are the ones who become successful eventually.
So if you're not ready to pay the price for knowledge, you can leave this page now. 

Do something else with your time... go and watch some comedy on social, media and remain where you are.

Are you still here? 


That means you're ready to be rich.

Now, why do I know this business will work for you?

Because a young man (at 21 years and undergraduate in 2020) did this same business and made 10 million naira in 12 months. 

And in 2021 made over 100Million still doing it.

Then someone else did the same business and is currently making over 50 Million naira every single year since 2020.

There are also hundreds of people who are doing this business right now and are making huge amount of money day in day out. 

Now, what is this business model?

I know you can't wait any longer.

I will tell you.

But before I do, let's establish some key thoughts. Because if we don't, you won't understand how the business world operates.

Key Thought 1: What really is business?                                 

Business is simply an activity of supplying value in exchange for financial rewards.

What does this mean? It means you're into business when you're supplying values (products and services) to people in order to get a reward  (money)

So the only way you can ever call what you're doing a "business" is when you're exchanging value and getting money for it.

Key Thought 2: How do you make money in business?           

You make money by promoting, marketing and selling that value to interested users (called consumers or buyers)

When you have products or services to exchange for other people's money, your goal is to show it to the consumers and convince them to buy it.

It is as simple as that.

Mr. Aliko Dangote is rich because thousands of people are giving him money every single day.

Same with every other rich person you know today.

How you promote or sell will determine how much you make in any business.

It doesn't matter the business, the principle remains the same.

Now you know what business is and how money is being made, let me show you the kind of business you can start RIGHT NOW and keep taking people's money (legally) until you become a millionaire and more.

What business can you do right now to become a millionaire fast?

A lot of people know what business is, they know they must exchange products for money...

So after a little thinking, they just go to the market and get some shoes and clothes... and boooom! They're now in business.

They start posting on Facebook and whatsapp... some go ahead to rent shops...

The truth is, many people can actually start like this and make money, but the chances of success doing this is very small nowadays. 

It may take years and hard work to get some substantial results and Some may never even see success.

So, if you must succeed in business with a little capital, you need to understand the best business you can do that will give you big money (profit) per sale.

It's called a high profit margin business

Let's take this quick example 2 women.

Carol and Sarah

Carol decides to sell bread. That is all she knows to do.

She is making sales daily and getting N100 as profit on each loaf. 
(I know they don't get that much... but let's assume they do)

But how many loaves of bread do you think she would need to sell to become a millionaire?

That would be 10,000 loaves to get one million naira

How long do you think it would take for her to reach that target?


The second woman (Sarah)

Sarah decides sell cars.
It would require her attending sales trainings,
Learning different advertising strategies

and put in more efforts! But when she sells 4 cars monthly, she would be getting more than 10 million at the end of each year.




And guess what,

Once Sarah learns how the promotion, marketing and sales work, she'll start doing far lesser work than Carol.

Because carol would still need to keep hawking her bread every day. Under the rain and under the sun or keep sitting in her small shop...

But Sarah can learn how to sell the cars online just with her mobile phone, and would only leave her home when she gets a serious buyer who is ready on test drive the car.

I can guess that there are many Carol and Sarah in our everyday lives.

You see them everywhere...

They call Sarah "the boss", they call Carol "a market woman"

So, the idea is to promote products that has high profit margins.

The two products we talked about involves selling, one sells faster, but with very low profit and continuous work.

While the other involves more training and strategies, but it gives you a fortune when you start selling.
And it would take lesser stress once the process has been learned.

I hope we are on the same page now?

At this point a lot of people would have stopped reading. I know why.

It's just because people are lazy. Everyone can be lazy and want to do what's easy, but wealth doesn't come to lazy people.

That's why only a very few people actually become successful.

So if you are still reading, congratulations to you, you're among the hard working people who will become rich sooner or later.

I have to stop here and continue from another post. so, Go ahead and continue this journey with me.


You need to come over to the continuation so you can see everything you need to start right now.

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