

READ: How The Attitude of Some Lecturers Can Make Students Drop Out Of Universities

One of the major reasons why we have a lot of university drop outs could be because of the bad attitude of some "Wicked" lecturers

Male and female students included. 

Take for instance, You're a wicked lecturer privileged to teach in a school, 

And then, 

This beautiful girl is admitted to gain knowledge from you, she is your daughter’s age, 

and she has caught your eye or put it this way, your eyes have caught her, 

you lust after her, all you want to do is sleep with her, you call her to your office, she comes innocently and native.

You tell her and she gives you a big NO, you are furious looking for a way to trap her. 

Then an idea comes to your mind, you victimize her over and over again and she is so frustrated that she has to drop out, or what did you expect her to do?

sleep with you? 

Of course not!...


That young man in your department is so intelligent that you hate him so much, you frustrate him and he drops out of school. 

The other student fails your course and you name a price for him or she and she can’t pay, what do you expect them to do? 

This is but a few experiences students who drop out of school might have faced.

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