


You’ve probably seen the commercials on television talking about the “you” you used to be before depression set in. 

Such commercials are generally aired by drug companies promoting an anti-depressant. But what these commercials fail to tell you is depression is common, and not everyone who feels down or blue is suffering from depression. 

You need to know the facts about depression before you and your doctor determine you are indeed suffering from this illness.

That’s right. Depression is a real mental illness that often requires anti-depressants or therapy to relieve symptoms. You can’t fix depression by yourself, and without treatment, you’ll likely face an uphill battle you probably aren’t going to win. More than 18 million people a year

Depression is an ongoing problem, not a passing one. It consists of episodes during which the symptoms last for at least 2 weeks. Depression can last for several weeks, months, or years.

Signs and Symptoms Of Depression 

The symptoms of depression can include:

  • A depressed mood
  • Reduced interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed 
  • Changes in appetite
  • Unintentional weight loss or gain
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Agitation, restlessness, and pacing up and down
  • Slowed movement and speech
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating, or making decisions
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, or an attempt at suicide.

Cure for Depression 

Depression is treatable, and managing symptoms usually involves three components:

1. Support: This can range from discussing practical solutions and possible causes to educating family members.

2. Psychotherapy: Also known as talking therapy, some options include one-to-one counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

Psychotherapy may help a person manage their symptoms of depression.

3. Drug treatment: A doctor may prescribe antidepressants.

4. Prayers: There is something called the spirit of depression. When it comes it attacks joy and happiness in the life of a man. 

It would take serious prayers to deliver a person from that influence. Most especially, prayers for the affected person himself. 

When you discover you're depressed, go to your closet and spend time in prayers. 

Hope this helps or at least informed you! 

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